My sister-in-law and niece asked me along for a road trip through Alabama before my niece went back to school. Of course I was all in for it and had a great time. Our first stop was in Scottsboro, Al to the Unclaimed Baggage Center. I remember seeing if featured on Oprah once and wanted to go ever since. I have to admit it was a bit of a disappointment. It was kinda like thrift store shopping since most of the items were used, but not thrift store prices. I did get a great pair of white platform go go boots that were never worn. I plan on putting them on Ebay. They had a Channel Diamond watch for $13,000! They had designer and wedding dresses ( I hope the wedding was over before they lost their luggage). The funny thing is you have to keep reminding yourself that this stuff was all packed in a suitcase or shipped as freight that lost it's way. I know I will never pack anything of great value in my suitcase after seeing the stuff in this place.
Sounds like a neat trip, I would love to visit the shop. Also love the birds!