Super Simple Shiplap

I have a friend who I decided is a genius. She is making a shiplap wall out of Luan plywood(super thin 1/4"). She is buying the Luan in 4x8 sheets and having it ripped down into 6" wide strips. Why is this genius. Well it's affordable around $12.00 for a 4x8 sheet. It's lightweight so it would be easy to hang with just small brads. I asked her how she got her lines so straight when cutting the plywood. I know for myself this is not my strong suit. However, she said she got them to do the rip cuts for her at the store. They did not even charge her for all of those cuts! I don't think this is the norm for most stores. They are just too busy to do this many cuts without charging for them. So if you still want to try this method I found this great tool that I am going to be purchasing myself. It's the Kreg Jig Rip Cut. It gives you a guide to get perfectly straight cuts everytime. Check out the video with the step by step instructions here. I will get some pictures for you soon!


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