I wish I had a picture...

It's Halloween, one of my very favorite holidays. I have taken to this holiday with such fervor. In the sixth grade when I heard my teacher say those magical words, " we are going to let you wear your Halloween costumes to school," I went nuts. I knew I had to have something really special, not just your typical princess costume. It hit my like a ton of bricks, "Super Chicken!" At this time, 1978, there was no super chicken but I saw it in my minds eye. I took an old t-shirt and cut out feathers from yellow cloth and covered it, my mom saw the idea and jumped in making me faux chicken feet, legs and head. Needless to say it was a huge hit at my school. Fast forward to my college days. There was a local bar offering big prizes for best costume. I racked my brain, instead of studying and came up with "Gumby." The way Eddie Murphy played him on SNL. I made the whole thing out of foam rubber and sprayed it with a ton of green spray paint, to say it was flammable was an understatement. I won first place at the local bar, my friends smelling a sweet took me from bar to bar. I won them all. I can tell you it was the most frightening experience, with all of those lit cigarettes around me. It was a blast, I loved it and all of the fun that goes with it. I miss those days, now I must be the one giving out candy and congratulating those who hit the mark of costume excellence! If only someone had a picture of me in that Gumby outfit, dammit!


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