Stash Booth Spring Update
Mary and I have been busy getting our Stash booth at Queen of Hearts Alpharetta ready for the upcoming Spring Fling. It is the unofficial kick off of Spring. Here in the South the Cherry trees bloomed a couple of weeks ago, daffadils are blooming too. So we are ready to start planning our gardes and homes to welcome Spring and Easter.
Mary is an awesome partner, she is full of creativity and she is willing to clinb up on anything to get things hung. After she got hit in the head with a board we played it safe and used a ladder. And yes, that is my finger in front of the camera (what a rookie).
The back wall we lined with crinkled up kraft paper. It adds so much texture, looks like drapes.
This bottom photo is in my Sassy booth, sorry it's a bit blurry. We did a fishing wall with our vintage minnow buckets and my folk art fish. I love the mix.
If you are in the Atlanta area the Spring Fling at Queen of Hearts Alpharetta is March 21-24. There will be prizes, presentations, and good garden party snacks. We hope you will stop by!